Starting from:


ImmAAculate Fitness

ImmAAculate Fitness is an online 6 week, gym based program, consisting of 4 workouts a week. You will get 24 total workouts, each with a very specific focus, no generic plan! Video instruction is included for every exercise as well as cues and form demonstration to level up the effectiveness of all the exercises.

The program is full body fitness design and incorporates a range of exercises to develop a fit and feminine shape! The program focuses primarily on developing core (abdominals) and lower body (glutes), but includes upper body movement to give you ImmAAculate overall results. 

I also include cardio recommendations, and specific details for bands and accessories that will be used in the program. Each workout gives sets, reps and coaching as well as videos demonstrated by me and to highlight my specific training method. The program file can be saved on your phone and the format is super easy to follow.


Let me help you get your goals!